I've always wanted to join a contest that actually brings my heart into it. A contest that really encourages me to join not because of t...
I've always wanted to join a contest that actually brings my heart into it. A contest that really encourages me to join not because of t...
February 25, 2011 . Exactly a year today, we were deployed as hired nurses [take note: not volunteers] under the program of Department of H...
I wanna laugh. hahaha. It's about the title of this post. hahahahahahahahaha. Okay, that's too much. I'm fine now. :) Tomorrow...
Have you ever wondered what your computer's gender is? There is actually a way to find it out! Just follow the steps below. :) 1. Open ...
I was blogwalking the other day when I heard this very uplifting song from one page. Its title is Cry in my Heart performed by Starfield . ...
This was written sometime in August 2008. I posted this on my friendster blog with the title "UNTITLED" but we all know it no long...
I've written a poem years ago and decided to publish it on Triond . I know I don't have a rich vocabulary but, the poem is understan...
The long wait is over! PRC finally released the result of Nurse Licensure Exam held last December 2011. 22,760 out of 67,095 passed the ex...
As a nurse, I see dying people most of the time. I see how people struggle to breathe eventhough their body's already tired and weak. Th...
Note: It's not about me... This is written for my person. Related post: Open Letter . I'm not really fond of telling my love story ...